Felicitas Morhart

Full Professor of Marketing at the University of Lausanne
Founder of the Swiss Center of Luxury Research at HEC Lausanne

Felicitas Morhart Keynote Speaker - passionspeakers

Keynote Speaker Topics

Keynote Speaker Topic Trends and challenges in the luxury industry Icon - passionspeakers

Trends and challenges in the luxury industry

Keynote Speaker Topic Luxury Branding Marketing Icon - passionspeakers

Luxury Branding/Marketing

Keynote Speaker Topic Transformational Leadership Icon - passionspeakers

Transformational Leadership

Keynote Speaker Topic Organizational Culture Icon - passionspeakers

Organizational Culture

Keynote Speaker Topic Personal Branding Icon - passionspeakers

Personal Branding


  • • Felicitas Morhart studied Communication Sciences, Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Media Law at the University of Munich (LMU) from 2000-2004.
  • • 2004-2008: Doctorate at the University of St. Gallen and stay as guest researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
  • • 2009-2014: assistant professor at the University of Lausanne (HEC).
  • • Her central work in Lausanne is at the intersection of marketing and leadership, such as her work on behavioral branding, brand-oriented employee management, personal branding, and brand authenticity. Currently, her teaching and research focuses on the field of luxury marketing.
  • • Her research results have been published in top national and international journals. She consults and trains managers primarily in the financial, automotive and hospitality industries on the topic of transformational change.


  • • In 2013, Felicitas Morhart was named one of the "Top 40 under 40" by the business magazine Bilanz for her influence in the Swiss business world.
  • • 2019: The Swiss magazine "Women in Business" selected her among the top 100 most successful women in Switzerland.

Publications and start-ups

In 2020, Felicitas Morhart published the edited book “Research Handbook of Luxury Branding" (Edward Elgar Publishing). In the same year, she founded the Swiss Center of Luxury Research at HEC Lausanne, where she also teaches the master course "Luxury Marketing“.

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