Janine Geigele

Athlete manager,
communications professional and passionate presenter

Janine Geigele als Moderatorin buchen für Ihr Event - passionspeakers by Geigele Communications

Pioneer and communications specialist

  • • At the age of 13, Janine was already sitting behind the radio microphone.

  • • A few years later, she was only the fourth woman at Swiss Television and hostet numerous major events and broadcasts.

  • • Janine has moderated multiple high profile events in several languages at home and abroad.

Moderation with passion

Mastering the art of speaking on camera or captivating a live audience is a skill that demands cultivation. Hosting a gala, celebrating an anniversary or chairing a discussion - I find the right tone for every event and make sure that humor and charm are never neglected. In many years as a moderator, I have learned how to touch and move people with my words. I do this by presenting with style, joy and heart, and by finding the right words at the right moment to suit the audience.

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