Robert Riener
Full Professor of Sensorimotor Systems at the ETH Zurich,
Full Professor of Rehabilitation Robotics at the University of Zurich

His topics

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Prosthetics, Inclusion
- • Full Professor of Sensorimotor Systems at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST) ETH Zurich, and Full Professor of Rehabilitation Robotics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich
- • Initiator and inventor of the CYBATHLON
- • Robert Riener studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and at the University of Maryland. In 1997, he received his PhD from TU Munich for his work in neuroprosthetics. From 1998 to 1999, Robert worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Centro di Bioingegneria of the Polytechnic Institute of Milan, after which Riener habilitated at the TU Munich in the field of biomechatronics.
- • In May 2003, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Engineering at ETH Zurich. Seven years later, Robert was promoted to full professor.
- • Since his position is a dual professorship jointly with the University, he is also active at the Research Center for Paraplegiology at Balgrist University Hospital and thus the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich.
- • Robert Riener is author and co-author of more than 500 research papers and 26 patents, has won numerous awards and is co-editor of several journals.
- • He is the founder and organizer of CYBATHLON, a competition that has won the European Excellence Award, the Yahoo Sports Technology Award, and two categories of the REIMAGINE Education Award.
- • In 2018, Robert was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Basel. He has been a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) since 2023.